Showing posts with label Malaysian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Malaysian. Show all posts

Monday, June 17, 2013

Malaysian Cucumber and Pineapple Salad

Recently, I've been cravings for the Malaysian version of Cucumber and Pineapple Salad. It's really simple to make and it's very refreshing for a hot summer season. Hope you enjoy the recipe :)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Vegetarian Curry (Tean's Gourmet)

I was craving for vegetarian curry for the longest time. I never know how to make the curry paste. Lucky for me, I found Tean's Gourmet Vegetarian Curry paste at my local Asian Market here. So, I simply grabbed a pack of it and make a big pot to satisfy my cravings.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Imitation Shark Fin Omelette (Foo Yong Tan)

I remembered when I was a little girl and every time when my family took me out for dinner in one of those chinese restaurants in Penang (chu cha), one of the dish that we will order would be shark fin with crab meat omelette (foo yong tan). I always love this dish but as I grew older, I'm unable to find this dish anymore. Foo Yong Tan is different now.

Since I was in asian market few days ago, I got myself a pack of imitation shark fin to make this dish and reminiscing the old good times I had with my family. It is simple and I hope you will enjoy it.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Char Bee Hoon - Fried Rice Noodle aka Economical Rice Noodle

Char Bee Hoon always my favourite! Why is it call Economical Rice Noodle? This is because normally they sell it about 80 cents to $ 1.50 per pack. I am not sure about the price right now since but this dish definitely cheap and at the same time very delicious and satisfying. Here is the recipe. Enjoy

Monday, October 29, 2012

Nasi Lemak (Coconut Milk Rice)

Nasi Lemak can be considered a National dish of Malaysia. I cannot think any Malaysian that doesn't like or love this dish. This dish is simply delicious. I introduced this dish to my husband 3 years ago and he loved it. Since then, he consistently request me to make it for him. Few weeks ago, he requested this dish and I finally record the ingredients that needed for this dish.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Curry Chicken

Ever since living in US, there are tones of food that I want to make but unable to do because i) I don't know how ii) It is complicated and iii) It's expensive to make it from scratch. I really regret for not learning wonderful recipes from my grandma especially Curry Chicken ( one of my many favourites). I am glad that I found Tean's Gourmet Curry Chicken mix. A pack cost me $2.79 and all I need is a few more ingredients and viola! I will have a wonderful bowl and delicious curry chicken that taste very close to the ones my grandma used to make for me at home.

Since I try to eat slightly healthy, I opted to use skinless chicken breast instead of chicken drumsticks or wings with skin. You can choose your choice of meat.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sambal Okra

I love Okra very much. So this is something really simple, easy and delicious Sambal Okra to satisfy my tummy. Enjoy

Friday, October 12, 2012

Wantan Mee Soup (Dumpling Noodle Soup)

According to my grandmama, my mum hated Wantan Mee when she was young but that changed after she was conceived me. She needed her Wantan Mee fix everyday.. or I should say it was me that needed that wantan mee fix! I do remember I grew up liking wantan mee. So, few days ago, I made myself a simple bowl of wantan mee soup for myself and my husband. Since my husband is not a big fan of pork, I replaced the pork fillings with chicken and shrimps. I hope you will enjoy the recipe

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sambal Ikan Bilis (Sambal Anchovies)

Sambal Ikan Bilis is something i love to make when i don't know what to eat because it will have all the flavour i want, sweet, salty and spicy. I love the fact i can just eat it with rice or just have it with bread. Either way, it will definitely satisfy my tummy. This is my easy recipe of Sambal Ikan Bilis ( the cheat method).

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Seafood Vermicelli Soup

I like seafood very much. After making the paella, I still have some seafood left hence I just want to make a quick meal for myself and at the same time that can satisfy my tummy. The recipe is easy, simple and delicious. I hope you enjoy it.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Sambal Baked Fish

When i was living in KL, i always visited MidValley Megamall for 1 reason. The grilled fish / seafood stall at Oasis Food Court. I love that dish and would rather line up for half an hour to 1 hour just to taste the grilled stingray and clams / shrimps. Its cheap, spicy and delicious..and above, it satisfied my tummy.. That was the only time that i throw my diet to the dustbin next to me. Enjoyed the meal and worry later :)

Now, i keep trying to recreate the dish at home but never succeeded. The below recipe is close but not perfect but it is good enough to temporary ease my craving here in US. I hope you too will enjoy the recipe.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Coconut Jam (Kaya/SeriKaya)

I love Kaya... Its like strawberry jam for the westerner, Kaya is the Malaysian version. I love it when my bread one side is spread with kaya and the other side with butter or peanut butter.. The result? HEAVEN Here is the recipe.. Enjoy

Friday, August 31, 2012

Kangkung Sambal Belacan (WaterSpinach Sambal Belacan)

Remember few days ago, i finally found my Belacan here? Well, i quickly make this wonderful and simple dish that i absolutely adore. This recipe is easy and i use the cheat method. Instead making my own sambal paste, i got a ready made  Sambal Oelek from the Asian Market. I hope you will enjoy it.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Chai Buey (Mustard Green Stew/Soup)

Chai Buey literally means leftover in Hokkien. I love this dish so much that i can literally eat the whole big pot all by myself. No matter how much calories i consumed in that week or how much i put on weight, if my grandma were to make this dish, i will finish up the whole pot even it means my tummy is so full until i cant even walk. I guess i look forward to this dish more than any dish during chinese new year :p

The good thing about this dish is you pretty much cook whatever you can find in your refrigerator and add in a few fresh ingredients and i guarantee you that you will ask for more. You can also make this dish from fresh. So i would suggest, during thanksgiving or christmas and you have lots of leftover, you can try to make this dish.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Belacan (Shrimp Paste)

Look at what i got here? Belacan aka shrimp paste. I love love LOVE belacan. A lot of westerners thinks this product stinks but somehow i think this is the most fragrant ingredient in the world. Anyway, back in NY, i know where to find this piece of ingredient with no problem but it was tough over here especially in the area i am staying now in California. There are 2 asian markets near the place i stay and none of them carry this.

The only way for me to get this is through ordering online. So i rarely cook using this ingredient as i refuse to buy online because of the shipping and the overcharge price. When my husband found out the 3rd Asian Market around our area, we make a trip there and THANK GOD i found this ingredient in one the aisle in the shop. Guess what i do next? i quickly grabbed 4 blocks of Belacan. Best part is that, they only sell it for USD 1.99 for a block of 500 grams. I remembered i used to buy in NY for USD3.99 for a block of 250 grams. Big savings for me and i am a very happy woman today. So the next few days, i will  make a few simple dish using belacan and other ingredients. Stay Tune.

So what is belacan exactly? You can read more from here

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Home Fried Rice

Whenever my grandma got some leftover rice, she will make fried rice for me. It is easy and simply delicious.  So, this is the easy fried rice recipe. Enjoy.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Kei Si Tok-Tok Mee (Egg Noodle with Shredded Chicken)

When i was 5 years old, i stayed with my mum and my great grandmama briefly on Kampar Road, Penang (opposite Mahindarama Temple) My mum at that used to work night shift. She only will go to work around 11pm at night. I remember very clearly, somewhere around 9.30pm to 10pm every night, you will have this uncle selling tok-tok mee. He will cycled around the neighbourhood and making the 'tok tok' sound. When we heard that sound, we know his stall just stop in front of our apartment. My mum or great grandmama sometimes will head down to get 'tok-tok mee' for me. Tok-Tok Mee actually is Wantan Mee but i like to called it tok-tok mee. It just much more vintage i guess.

Anyway, tonight i make Tok-Tok Mee without the Wantan (dumpling) because i didnt get any wantan wrapper when i was in asian market. This recipe is just a quick one to satisfy our hunger. Anyway, i hope you can enjoy.

Penang Hokkien Mee (Prawn Noodle)

Hokkien Mee.. Hokkien Mee. Mmmmm... Hokkien Mee. I pretty much growing up eating Penang Hokkien Mee . This is because right in front of my house in Air Itam, there is this uncle selling delicious Hokkien Mee at one of the kopitiam. The awesome thing is that, my family buy from this uncle for so many years, that he literally knows what we want and we will still get the same price like 5 years ago. I believe a bowl of Hokkien Mee now cost RM 3.50 or RM 4.00 (the cheapest) but if i were to walk in and buy, i will only be charged RM 2.00 or RM 2.50 and on top of that, my portion is double the size if i were to order from take out instead of dining in. I know my pictures here doesnt look appealing but the taste is as good as you can get in Malaysia. 

When i was working in chinese take out in NY, almost 2 to 3 days a week i have to peel a big lumpsum of shrimps. I am not talking about 1 or 2 lbs. Each time is about 12 to 16 lbs. The chinese take out also only bought headless shrimps. All the shells will be thrown away. So when i wanted to make Hokkien Mee, i will asked my lady boss for the shells and she will be very happily give it to me. Those shells were very precious for me and it save me lots of time collecting it by myself. I would suggest if anyone wanted to make this dish, maybe you can try to ask the chinese take out around your neighbourhood for free shells or even pay them a small amount. They may or may not give it to you or sell to you but no harm trying right?
Here is the recipe. Enjoy!

note: im so sorry that the picture was badly taken

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Belacan Fried Chicken

One of my favourite-to-order dish when i dined out in KL was Belacan Fried Chicken. Another dish that i love. I love the smell, the taste, the crunch and everything about it. When i managed to grabbed a block of Belacan from the Asian Market, i make sure i filled my whole apartment with belacan aroma! (poor my American hubby) So here is the simple recipe for Belacan Fried Chicken. Enjoy!

Sambal Udang (Shrimps/Prawns)

I love sambal udang. I can just have sambal udang with white rice everyday. The awesome thing is that, i found this Tean's Gourmet Stir Fry Sambal Tumis Paste from the asian market here. That pretty much make my life way much easy and the taste is just awesome and almost very similar to the one i always had back in Malaysia. So here is the recipe. Enjoy!

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