Showing posts with label Vegetable. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vegetable. Show all posts

Monday, June 17, 2013

Malaysian Cucumber and Pineapple Salad

Recently, I've been cravings for the Malaysian version of Cucumber and Pineapple Salad. It's really simple to make and it's very refreshing for a hot summer season. Hope you enjoy the recipe :)

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Stir Fry Choy Sum with Garlic

This is a super easy recipe. Stir Fry Choy Sum with Garlic. It's easy and healthy. It takes about 10 to 15 mins to make. This is perfect for my busy schedule since I started to work 7 months ago. I hope you will like it.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Vegetarian Curry (Tean's Gourmet)

I was craving for vegetarian curry for the longest time. I never know how to make the curry paste. Lucky for me, I found Tean's Gourmet Vegetarian Curry paste at my local Asian Market here. So, I simply grabbed a pack of it and make a big pot to satisfy my cravings.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Imitation Shark Fin Omelette (Foo Yong Tan)

I remembered when I was a little girl and every time when my family took me out for dinner in one of those chinese restaurants in Penang (chu cha), one of the dish that we will order would be shark fin with crab meat omelette (foo yong tan). I always love this dish but as I grew older, I'm unable to find this dish anymore. Foo Yong Tan is different now.

Since I was in asian market few days ago, I got myself a pack of imitation shark fin to make this dish and reminiscing the old good times I had with my family. It is simple and I hope you will enjoy it.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Arroz Con Gandules (Rice with Peas)

Beside trying to capture and learn as much as possible my grandma's recipes, I am trying to record my MIL's recipes. Even though I don't get the chance to meet her, I am glad that my husband did learnt from her. So, I am trying to learn as much Puerto Rican recipes from my husband and my FIL. This is another easy home recipe that I absolutely love.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Tomato Eggs

I grew up watch TVB series. On the series, normally they have this dish thats yellowish and red in colour. I always wonder what is that dish because it looked simply delicious. For years I wonder what is that dish. When I was working at the chinese take out, I finally found out that simple dish is just Tomato Eggs. So I got this recipe from my the chef that I used to worked with. I hope you enjoy it.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sambal Okra

I love Okra very much. So this is something really simple, easy and delicious Sambal Okra to satisfy my tummy. Enjoy

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Chinese Creamy Corn Soup

One of my Chinese Take Out favourite is Chinese Creamy Corn Soup. As you know by now, I used to worked in one of the chinese take out in Upstate NY. I saw the chef make this a few times and now I finally trying to make it on my own.  I think this dish is good during cold season or when we are sick. It is easy and I hope you will enjoy this dish.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Sambal Baked Fish

When i was living in KL, i always visited MidValley Megamall for 1 reason. The grilled fish / seafood stall at Oasis Food Court. I love that dish and would rather line up for half an hour to 1 hour just to taste the grilled stingray and clams / shrimps. Its cheap, spicy and delicious..and above, it satisfied my tummy.. That was the only time that i throw my diet to the dustbin next to me. Enjoyed the meal and worry later :)

Now, i keep trying to recreate the dish at home but never succeeded. The below recipe is close but not perfect but it is good enough to temporary ease my craving here in US. I hope you too will enjoy the recipe.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Kangkung Sambal Belacan (WaterSpinach Sambal Belacan)

Remember few days ago, i finally found my Belacan here? Well, i quickly make this wonderful and simple dish that i absolutely adore. This recipe is easy and i use the cheat method. Instead making my own sambal paste, i got a ready made  Sambal Oelek from the Asian Market. I hope you will enjoy it.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Chai Buey (Mustard Green Stew/Soup)

Chai Buey literally means leftover in Hokkien. I love this dish so much that i can literally eat the whole big pot all by myself. No matter how much calories i consumed in that week or how much i put on weight, if my grandma were to make this dish, i will finish up the whole pot even it means my tummy is so full until i cant even walk. I guess i look forward to this dish more than any dish during chinese new year :p

The good thing about this dish is you pretty much cook whatever you can find in your refrigerator and add in a few fresh ingredients and i guarantee you that you will ask for more. You can also make this dish from fresh. So i would suggest, during thanksgiving or christmas and you have lots of leftover, you can try to make this dish.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Stir Fry Asparagus Asian Style

I love Asparagus but i rarely buy it because i think it is pretty expensive. Few days ago, i was in 99cents store and they have it for a dollar a bunch. So i jumped right in to grab a bunch of asparagus. They even have fresh portabella mushrooms for a dollar (4 medium size) and red bell peppers (2 for a dollar). So today, i am happy that i can make this dish that i absolutely adore. Here is the recipe. Enjoy...

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Chinese Cabbage with Meatball Soup

Since young, i love to have chinese cabbage soup. My grandmama really knows how to make a good pot of chinese cabbage with meatball soup that will leave me wanting more and more and More. Especially the hot weather, the chinese cabbage soup is just good for us. Here is the recipe. Enjoy!

Pickled Green Chilies

Growing up in Malaysia, one definitely familiar with chilis. Green chilies, red chillies, chilli paste and etc etc. one of my favourite is Pickled Green Chillies. The one you can find in most of the noodle dish like wantan mee, sar hor fun, koay teow t'ng and many more. While i was living in Malaysia, it never occur to me that i need to learn this simple condiment. When i was about to fly to USA 3 years ago, i got the recipe from my uncle and i am glad that i remember the recipe and make myself a good portion of this condiment.

1lb green chillies (sliced)
12 oz white vinegar
12 - 15 tbsp sugar

Dissolve sugar in boiling vinegar
Add sliced chillies into the boiled vinegar sugar
Stir for 30 seconds to a minute until you see the change in colour of the green chillies.
Turn off the stove and let it cool down in a bowl
Transfer the pickled green chillies into jar (preferably air tight jar) and keep it refrigerated.

**when ready to serve, be sure to use a dry utensil 

Shrimps With Broccoli

One of my favourite chinese take out dish in US is Shrimps with broccoli. It is very hard to find a good place that serve good shrimps with broccoli. It may sound easy. The thing is that those chinese take out will fry the broccoli first in order to have the crunch and they will load it with lots of MSG and corn/ potato starch. This is my own home made Shrimps with Broccoli. Enjoy :)

Yau Mak with Oyster Sauce

Growing up in Penang, my grandmama definitely make sure we will have at least 1 vegetable dish. Yau Mak with Oyster Sauce is one of my many favourites that my grandma used to make for me and the family. Below is the simple recipe. Enjoy :)

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