Showing posts with label Seafood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Seafood. Show all posts

Monday, June 24, 2013

Braised Rice (Man Fan)

When I was leaving in Kuala Lumpur, I enjoy this dish that we can easily get in the chinese restaurant called 'Man Fan'. It's literary means Braised Rice. Since I won't be able to find this dish in US, I decided to try to make it myself. In terms of taste, it's not really the same as the ones in Malaysia but it is close enough. This is because, I put in more seafood in it. It's still very hearty and I hope you will enjoy making it.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Stir Fry Ginger Scallion Clams

I really love seafood. When the Korean Store nearby my house was having a sales, I bought a pack of clams for only $1.99, So with some other simple ingredients that I already have at home, I make my favourite dish over the weekend.  It is super simple and delicious too. I hope you will enjoy it.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Seafood Tomatoes Capellini (Angel Hair)

Since I started working, I don't have much time to cook  decent meals at home. Most nights, I'll be home late and too tired to cook. So over the weekend, I make a simple and delicious dish for my husband and I. I absolutely love Capellini. I think I prefer Capellini more than Spagetti. This recipe is easy and I think its healthier too. I hope you will enjoy it!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Imitation Shark Fin Crabmeat Soup

One thing that I really enjoy about Chinese Wedding is that they always serve Shark fin Soup. Shark fin is so expensive and there is no way I can afford that. On top of that, I don't think that Shark fin has any taste. So to me it's more of the texture of the soup. I recently bought a pack of imitation shark fin from an Asian grocery store. So, I made myself a nice pot of shark fin soup to satisfy my craving. I hope you enjoy it too.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Imitation Shark Fin Omelette (Foo Yong Tan)

I remembered when I was a little girl and every time when my family took me out for dinner in one of those chinese restaurants in Penang (chu cha), one of the dish that we will order would be shark fin with crab meat omelette (foo yong tan). I always love this dish but as I grew older, I'm unable to find this dish anymore. Foo Yong Tan is different now.

Since I was in asian market few days ago, I got myself a pack of imitation shark fin to make this dish and reminiscing the old good times I had with my family. It is simple and I hope you will enjoy it.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Seafood Vermicelli Soup

I like seafood very much. After making the paella, I still have some seafood left hence I just want to make a quick meal for myself and at the same time that can satisfy my tummy. The recipe is easy, simple and delicious. I hope you enjoy it.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Seafood Paella

One of the Spanish dish that i like is definitely going to be Seafood Paella. See, I dont have that paella pan so I had mine cook in rice cooker. So my spanish rice dont have that burn part.. Somehow I prefer it that way. I don't know why but as long it is good, I don't care. I hope you will enjoy the recipe too.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Onigiri (Japanese Rice Ball)

My husband and I were watching Hana Yori Dongo the other day. In one of the episode, the girl were having Origini ( Japanese Rice Ball) and it looked delicious in the movie, so he requested me to make for him. So after reading some Japanese cookbook and do some googling, I finally get the necessary ingredients and make it for him. I hope you enjoy it.

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