Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Home Fried Rice

Whenever my grandma got some leftover rice, she will make fried rice for me. It is easy and simply delicious.  So, this is the easy fried rice recipe. Enjoy.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Chinese Wine with Ginger Crab Noodle

When i was working in as a kitchen helper in one of the chinese take out in upstate New York, i learnt quite a lot from the chef and the lady boss there even though i rarely cook but there was one dish i learnt from my lady body. It was Chinese Wine with Ginger Crab Noodle. At first she cooked that for her family own consumption. When towards end of the night, she specially make that again for me and my husband. My husband loved it so much so the next day, i asked if she can teach me how to make that. So here is the recipe. I hope you enjoy it.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Tom Yam Rice Noodle

Another favourite dish of mine is Tom Yam Rice Noodle. When i was living in Bukit Jalil, there was one hawker stall in OUG is my to-go Tom Yam Noodle place. Rice noodle with some napa cabbage and fish fillet with hot and sour soup. When i was staying there, i had it almost every week and till today, i keep telling my husband that someday i will bring him there to try. Here is my recipe of Tom Yam Rice Noodle (quick fix for dinner again). Enjoy!  

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Kei Si Tok-Tok Mee (Egg Noodle with Shredded Chicken)

When i was 5 years old, i stayed with my mum and my great grandmama briefly on Kampar Road, Penang (opposite Mahindarama Temple) My mum at that used to work night shift. She only will go to work around 11pm at night. I remember very clearly, somewhere around 9.30pm to 10pm every night, you will have this uncle selling tok-tok mee. He will cycled around the neighbourhood and making the 'tok tok' sound. When we heard that sound, we know his stall just stop in front of our apartment. My mum or great grandmama sometimes will head down to get 'tok-tok mee' for me. Tok-Tok Mee actually is Wantan Mee but i like to called it tok-tok mee. It just much more vintage i guess.

Anyway, tonight i make Tok-Tok Mee without the Wantan (dumpling) because i didnt get any wantan wrapper when i was in asian market. This recipe is just a quick one to satisfy our hunger. Anyway, i hope you can enjoy.

Penang Hokkien Mee (Prawn Noodle)

Hokkien Mee.. Hokkien Mee. Mmmmm... Hokkien Mee. I pretty much growing up eating Penang Hokkien Mee . This is because right in front of my house in Air Itam, there is this uncle selling delicious Hokkien Mee at one of the kopitiam. The awesome thing is that, my family buy from this uncle for so many years, that he literally knows what we want and we will still get the same price like 5 years ago. I believe a bowl of Hokkien Mee now cost RM 3.50 or RM 4.00 (the cheapest) but if i were to walk in and buy, i will only be charged RM 2.00 or RM 2.50 and on top of that, my portion is double the size if i were to order from take out instead of dining in. I know my pictures here doesnt look appealing but the taste is as good as you can get in Malaysia. 

When i was working in chinese take out in NY, almost 2 to 3 days a week i have to peel a big lumpsum of shrimps. I am not talking about 1 or 2 lbs. Each time is about 12 to 16 lbs. The chinese take out also only bought headless shrimps. All the shells will be thrown away. So when i wanted to make Hokkien Mee, i will asked my lady boss for the shells and she will be very happily give it to me. Those shells were very precious for me and it save me lots of time collecting it by myself. I would suggest if anyone wanted to make this dish, maybe you can try to ask the chinese take out around your neighbourhood for free shells or even pay them a small amount. They may or may not give it to you or sell to you but no harm trying right?
Here is the recipe. Enjoy!

note: im so sorry that the picture was badly taken

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Belacan Fried Chicken

One of my favourite-to-order dish when i dined out in KL was Belacan Fried Chicken. Another dish that i love. I love the smell, the taste, the crunch and everything about it. When i managed to grabbed a block of Belacan from the Asian Market, i make sure i filled my whole apartment with belacan aroma! (poor my American hubby) So here is the simple recipe for Belacan Fried Chicken. Enjoy!

Char Siew Pau (Pork Steamed Bun)

When i was a little girl, sometimes my grandparents will take me for Dim Sum and the first thing they ordered for me was Char Siew Pau (Pork Steamed Bun). I always hated that because i always wanted to try the rest of the Dim Sum like Siew Mai, Har Kow and others. When i asked my grandmama why we have to eat Char Siew Pau first only to had her replied to me that it will keep me full. Over the years, i grew up liking Char Siew Pau more and more and the best part is that you can easily get it in most of the chinese kopitiam. It came to the point that i will only have 2 Char Siew Pau for dinner everyday when i was staying by myself in KL. My love for Char Siew Pau definitely grew as the years pass by.

My husband on the other who is a big fan of Shaw Brother movies always curious what is Char Siew Pau. In fact he only can spot it in movies and never know what it called until he met me. When i first came to NY, i really have no idea where i can get Char Siew Pau. To be able to found the Asian Market was a big deal.

Part of me wanted my husband to try Char Siew Pau, so i went on to do my research and gather as much information as i can. Countless calls back home to asked help from my grandmama how to make the awesome filling. I dont think my grandmama make Char Siew Pau before but she is like a 'Sek San' - (God of Food) to me so i know she will guide me well with the recipe. Below is my recipe for Char Siew Pau. It is not perfect and need a lot of tweaking on the bun part but the filling is as good as you can get in those Dim Sum place around town in Malaysia. Enjoy!

Sambal Udang (Shrimps/Prawns)

I love sambal udang. I can just have sambal udang with white rice everyday. The awesome thing is that, i found this Tean's Gourmet Stir Fry Sambal Tumis Paste from the asian market here. That pretty much make my life way much easy and the taste is just awesome and almost very similar to the one i always had back in Malaysia. So here is the recipe. Enjoy!

Peanut Cookies

During CNY, my grandmama will baked a good batch of peanut cookies for me and the relatives! I absolutely love it and my hubby too love it so much that he can never stop eating it. I used the recipe from Simply June and tweaked it to my liking and added some other ingredient that my grandmama told me. I love her blog because she always have all these awesome recipes that i can learn from. Enjoy!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Milo Chocolate Chip Cookies

Growing up, we drink Milo. So this is my cookies recipe

Chinese Cabbage with Meatball Soup

Since young, i love to have chinese cabbage soup. My grandmama really knows how to make a good pot of chinese cabbage with meatball soup that will leave me wanting more and more and More. Especially the hot weather, the chinese cabbage soup is just good for us. Here is the recipe. Enjoy!

Steamed Garlic Shrimps

During Chinese New Year, my 2nd aunt will make Steamed Garlic Shrimps for me. I love that dish so much that it became a tradition that every 2nd day of Chinese New Year, the whole family will have to go to her house for family lunch. Of course i will definitely have that dish specially make for me. The best part is that, i will get at least 4 shrimps while the rest of the family only entitled to 2 shrimps. Yup! i am my aunt's favourite nice. :p Here is the recipe. Enjoy!

Pickled Green Chilies

Growing up in Malaysia, one definitely familiar with chilis. Green chilies, red chillies, chilli paste and etc etc. one of my favourite is Pickled Green Chillies. The one you can find in most of the noodle dish like wantan mee, sar hor fun, koay teow t'ng and many more. While i was living in Malaysia, it never occur to me that i need to learn this simple condiment. When i was about to fly to USA 3 years ago, i got the recipe from my uncle and i am glad that i remember the recipe and make myself a good portion of this condiment.

1lb green chillies (sliced)
12 oz white vinegar
12 - 15 tbsp sugar

Dissolve sugar in boiling vinegar
Add sliced chillies into the boiled vinegar sugar
Stir for 30 seconds to a minute until you see the change in colour of the green chillies.
Turn off the stove and let it cool down in a bowl
Transfer the pickled green chillies into jar (preferably air tight jar) and keep it refrigerated.

**when ready to serve, be sure to use a dry utensil 

Shrimps With Broccoli

One of my favourite chinese take out dish in US is Shrimps with broccoli. It is very hard to find a good place that serve good shrimps with broccoli. It may sound easy. The thing is that those chinese take out will fry the broccoli first in order to have the crunch and they will load it with lots of MSG and corn/ potato starch. This is my own home made Shrimps with Broccoli. Enjoy :)

Yau Mak with Oyster Sauce

Growing up in Penang, my grandmama definitely make sure we will have at least 1 vegetable dish. Yau Mak with Oyster Sauce is one of my many favourites that my grandma used to make for me and the family. Below is the simple recipe. Enjoy :)

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